It goes without saying: I. Love. Fireworks. So much so, in fact, that I've been known to sneak into the Cats' stadium at the end of the games to watch the fireworks show. Luckily this July 4th weekend, I did not have to do so. I got my fill on both the 3rd and 4th. Score.
July 3rd
We went with Bobby's parents and friends to the Concert in the Gardens. It was so nice out and we got to listen to the FW symphony play some sweet patriotic music...followed by even sweeter fireworks that lasted for forever. They had the best fireworks finale I've ever seen!!
You can't tell from this picture, but the conductor had on a serious American flag shirt.
Grant, Bobby's bff (they might even have some sort of weird friendship bracelet to prove it), invited us to play out at his parents' house with lots of other folks. Um, it was GORGEOUS!!! I wish I had thought to take a picture of their actual house, but you'll just have to enjoy the amazing view they have.
We swam in the pool, ate lots of good food and sampled a ridiculous amount of desserts, played with lots of cute dogs, and watched multiple fireworks shows. We could see at least 6 or 7 from around the city and then of course, because it's Texas and we were in the semi-country, fireworks were set off about 10 feet from the house. Before most of this, Grant took us a death ride via Mule to show up the property and the stocked pond. He and CB caught a few cute bass, Ashley and I managed to spill our margaritas within about 3 minutes of the start of the death ride, Bobby acted like there was nothing abnormal about going 40 mph on a Mule, and I saw more grasshoppers than I ever have in my life. Fun times!
Much better picture-taking experience than the day before (just wait for that post, it will be worth it...promise).
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