Sunday, April 10, 2011


In our young couples class at church, we've been going through a study based on the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. The idea behind the book and the group study is to ponder the question "What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?"
That's quite a question to ponder. Particularly at the halfway point in an engagement. But I have ended up LOVING this study and am so thankful for the timing of it in our lives and our relationship. The study wipes away the romanticized notion of a marriage and instead talks about growing with your spouse and growing your relationship in order to bring God glory. Through this class, Bobby and I had many opportunities to talk with others couples, hear their insight and experiences in their marriages, reflect on our own strengths and weaknesses, and really look at how we help balance each other out and how we can honor each other. I could probably write a lot more about the study, but alas it is Sunday evening and everything I've put off doing over the weekend is now staring me in the face. Boo. My favorite thing from the whole study was a prayer suggested during class this morning: "Lord, how do I love my spouse today like they've never been loved before and never will be loved again?" I feel so honored to be the person who gets to pray that over my sweet boy.

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