Saturday, August 14, 2010

very superstitious

Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Never before have I believed in bad luck on this day or been the least bit superstitious...however, after yesterday I might be a bit swayed. Like they say about deaths, my bad luck came in threes.

1. My blow dryer died about 5 seconds after turning it on yesterday morning. It just so happened that I'd gotten my hair cut the day before, by a brand new person, and I had a lot of new layers that needed to be fiddled with and styled. Scratch that plan; my hair spent the day in a ponytail with bobbypins. Luckily it was a super casual day at work.

2. Once I got to work with my semi-wet, semi-dry hair, I realized I'd left my phone at home. Obviously I knew I'd survive just fine without it, but I couldn't help but feel a bit off until I got home. On the upside, I was way productive because I had no phone to play with.

3. We stopped by Target on the way to dinner so that I could replace my deceased blow dryer. While in the checkout line I realized my wallet was not in my purse and was instead at my house. Luckily my sugar daddy was there to pick up the tab.

I ended this less than stellar day with a highly tasty frozen margarita, which helped everything.

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