Friday, December 24, 2010

your eyes whispered how we met

Wednesday night: Bobby very casually asks if I want to go see his new office in the old courthouse tomorrow since it will be kind of quiet down there with not many people working. I say sure.

Thursday afternoon: We go to said courthouse, check out his new digs, and he asks if I want to see a really neat view of the city. I say sure. We then proceed to go through a door held open by a fire extinguisher...which kinda freaked me out since that meant the door obviously would lock if it got closed. Bobby says that it's fine, it's always there. Ok. We begin to climb stairs in what looks like attic space, complete with all kinds of furry and scaly friends and insulation everywhere. As we're climbing over pipes, I ask him if he is taking me somewhere to murder me since no one would find me in this space. We go up more stairs and across a little bridge like thing and then another set of stairs to this scene:

I stopped walking and said something along the lines of "oh my gosh" while also being acutely aware that my heart was beating harder than it ever had before. Bobby came back and walked me up the few remaining stairs and then got down on his sweet knee, said the sweetest words to me and asked me to marry him! I'm pretty sure I said "really???" about 7 times after I said yes and then about 70 more times throughout our time up on the observation deck. The little observation room/deck was so romantic and so neat! The view of Fort Worth was really amazing once I actually looked at it.

He did a great job!! I was totally clueless although I should have picked up on his ever-so-fast pace once we left his office and headed to "see the view." :) He'd set everything up earlier in the day and a maintenance fellow and a bailiff were the only folks who knew what was going on.

I kept thinking of that line from Legally Blond when Reese Witherspoon says "....and she's wearing the ring on her bony unpolished finger!" I had literally just taken my nail polish off the day before and hadn't redone them, so I did a hasty at-home job before dinner.

We went to dinner at Silver Fox to celebrate and then met up with friends afterwards. Even Margaret's sweet parents showed up to celebrate!

It's sinking in more today but yesterday was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced. I know I am beyond blessed and that this sweet man was hand-picked for me.

He told me "now we get to be a family." :)

I get to keep him!!


Emily said...

How sweet that he said, "Now we get to be a family." I'm so happy for you and overjoyed that you found such a special man. Can't wait to see you and celebrate! Love you!! Em

Anonymous said...

I am just so happy for you! Marriage is so wonderful and I hope you are yours are very happy together forever. You are one of the nicest people I know so I know "the nicest man" in your life must be very special. Many wonderful wishes coming your way. Congrats!

Erin Booher

clarkyclark said...

Grams, I really hope you let Bobby keep the beard for the wedding... it's pretty dang sweet!

Can't wait to see you lovebirds this weekend!

deneise said...

does this mean bobby and i have to break up??

Mobrandtly said...

SO excited for the wedding, Mary. This is so sweet.