Friday, February 24, 2012


For weeks, maybe even months, I've been thinking about what I would title this blog entry. I had faith that prayers would continue to be answered, and that for reasons all his own, God would heal my little mama. Now that I actually get to write, I am at a loss for words for a title that would encompass the emotions felt. I love using song lyrics for titles, but could not choose any that were worthy. I looked over quotes and Bible verses but again, couldn't find the perfect words. So, this entry is title-less, which says much more than words ever could.

You see, this little lady right here, she got the all clear yesterday from her oncologist. A little over seven months ago, she was diagnosed-out of the BLUE-with stage four cancer.

Our world was shaken, our faith was strengthened, and our friends and family swooped in like nobody's business.

Do you believe that lady in the middle had a golf ball-sized tumor removed from her brain on Monday and was on the dance floor on Saturday?! I mean, really... Those ladies surrounding her have done just that from the moment our world was turned upside-down. They are some of the most remarkable and loving women on the planet and I'm so thankful they are my mom's dearest friends.

I'm so thankful for the doctors and nurses who helped her, for my dad who was her rock, and for every single person who prayed for her and for our family. May she be a living example of God's goodness and his love and a testament to the power of prayer.

My sweet mama defied some really ugly odds and did it all with grace and a smile on her face.



Dede Loudermilk said...

Oh my goodness, It made me cry. God is amazing and no one deserves a good report more that your Mom. She is a soft sweet blessing in this world that I feel lucky to have met. I also feel lucky to get to share you with her. God is Good.

Jan Kingrea said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your sweet mama. It needs no title and says what you are believing from your heart. We're so thrilled about her report! I've only been around her during your luncheon and wedding, but I knew then she was a beautiful lady both inside and outward. Yes God is awesome! God bless!