Thursday, March 19, 2009

slight obsession

Maybe I got a little bored on this 4th day of Spring Break, or maybe I was so tired of trying to adjust resume layouts, rewriting cover letters and choosing the perfect wording, or maybe I am just one odd duck.

Any which way, I am a bit obsessed with looking at my handiwork from today. I finally took the calendar prints I've been holding onto for three months to Aaron Brothers to get frames that would fit their odd size. I succeeded, I framed them, and then I measured twice; hung once. Thank you very much, HGTV and TLC for that handy tip. MUCH better experience than my attempt at curtains. I feel like my bedroom is almost finished, I just need to print off some new pictures for frames and get the frames on the wall. Here's the finished work:
And not that I needed confirmation that Mazie is the smartest feline to ever walk the planet, but I got it today. I caught her up on top of my pillows, trying to climb/scale the headboard so that she could check out the new wall items...that's right, she noticed them. And wanted to sniff and bat at them.

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