Tuesday, August 5, 2008

wax on, wax off

It's too bad that I haven't actually see the movie that quote comes from, but at least I know what movie it is! I thought it was appropriate because yesterday I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time ever...and hello, my pain tolerance has NOT increased with age.

I have hidden my tweezers from myself for nearly a month now because I wanted a professional to do a better job shaping my brows that I was doing. I saw an episode of Oprah once where she had some woman grow hers out for two months and then come back to her show so Anastasia (famed brow-shaping/waxing guru) could "do" her brows. I was not willing to look quite so disheveled, so I figured one month was enough for me. I actually handled the lack of tweezing better than I thought I would. I really only got the urge at night when I was watching TV and relaxing and could feel the new hairs that I would have normally plucked...but alas, I overcame the urge and did not go for the tweezers even once.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon about this time. I went to the salon where I get my pedicures because it's super clean and they understand more English than most places. I told the receptionist I wanted someone who was gentle because I'd never had my brows waxed before. Jenny (although I'm sure that's not her actual name...they all adopt an "American" name to make it easier, I think) kindly took me back to the waxing room. She put HOT wax on my left brow and then pressed the cloth strip down on it. Now, I've watched plenty of people have their brows waxed and I thought I understood that it may hurt a little bit. Um....I wanted to pull a Joey from Friends and just leave with my one brow done. OMG-I know I'm a weenie when it comes to pain anyway, but this was serious!! My eyes were watering within about .5 seconds of the pulling. Of course I had her finish so that I did not look like Joey. I think all in all, I was there less than 10 minutes, but it seemed like so much longer. Those of you who have to go to the girl doctor know what I'm talking about!

I'm very happy with the shape and "Jenny" was really nice. She put some baby oil (I think...it was something oily) and lotion on my poor brow area to help, although I'm not sure what it was supposed to do...it still hurt like crazy and I looked like a walking add for Proactive of the brows-all red and bumpy. She assured me that the first time is the worst, the second still hurts but not as badly, and then after that it doesn't hurt at all. We'll see. It was all red and swollen around my eyebrows last night, and I've still got some red bumps lingering...luckily I don't have a hot date tonight.

On a side note, for those of you who know about Mazie and Sarge's difficulty (mainly Mazie's) in tolerating each other, MAJOR improvements. She lets Sarge come right up to her and she even sticks her cute little black nose up to smell his nose. The only time she hisses and bats at him is when he goes to sniff her side...but I have faith that that too will cease soon. We've got one more night together and then Andrew's back from Miami! Yay!! :)

1 comment:

clarkyclark said...

Somehow I find it hard to believe that you really know that quote is from Karate Kid.