Monday, August 18, 2008


So today was my first day back at work since I missed last Friday. Because of that, I just got to see my class list and begin labeling the 8000 things I need finished by the end of the week.

What's my least favorite letter to write, you ask?? Well, Z, of course. And I'd say that a good 1/3 to 1/2 of my 23 students have a Z in either their first or last name!!! What are the odds?!? Lucky me, I got to write my least favorite letter lots and lots of times today. Definitely the opposite of a snap.

I'm also exhausted from getting up before the sun this morning...I need to catch up on my zzzz's...just as soon as The Hills is over tonight! :)


Anonymous said...

don't you feel kinda bratty after missing a day that everyone else had to be there for?!
i love that feeling.

also: Z ?
where did they all come from?!

Suzanna said...

I have a Z, did you not like me the first time you had to spell my name?